Half Ring Pak lock

Car Parking Space Lock Bollard Parking Locks Parking Piles Thickening Crash Block Cars Occupying Arched Door Lock Car Lock Garage
This Wheel Locator is Suitable for Garages, Large Parking Lots or Outdoor Parking Lots to Provide Adequateion for Your Vehicle and Personal.
the Elbow Can Be Formed Once Without Welding, Which Significantly Improves Beapressure and Impact Resistance,Ideal for Parking and Driveways
Arc Bottom Seat, Not to Hurt the Tire: the Periphery of the Base Corner Design with Arc, Punctures Suffered Greatly Reduce Vehicle Tire Pressure Force Guo Lock to the Tires
Upgrade Lock the Fence in Order to Improve Parking, Crash and Durability.Shielded All Copper Cylinder -, -Proof, Rust-Free, to Avoid Unlocking.
This Will Provide a Visual Deterrent and Another Layer Ofion to Your Vehicle, Even with a Delay Using a Professional Thief Related Tools